No matter where you are based, our huge international reach , and being solely dedicated to catering and hospitality recruitment, has allowed us to make contact with an extensive database of professional catering candidates from across the globe.
Our catering database now consists of senior chefs and senior operational personnel throughout Europe, the US, Australia, Middle East, Far East and much further.
As one of the few true international catering recruiters and established since 1997 , Mise en Place should be the first company you contact with any catering requirements - no matter where you are based!
If you are a catering and hospitality professional looking to relocate , then we want to hear from you.
If you are a client who is looking to fill a senior catering vacancy, or a candidate looking for a new appointment, please contact us and we shall be happy to help you with your requirements.
Mise en Place
Catering and Hospitality Recruitment
50 Grosvenor Hill, Mayfair, London, U.K W1K 3QT
Call: +44 (0)20 7430 9811 or email: